Indigenous Peoples

Indigenous and civil society organizations submit a brief for an advisory opinion of the Inter-American Court on climate emergency and human rights

The Due Process of Law Foundation (DPLF), the Coordinadora de Desarrollo y Defensa de los Pueblos Indígenas de la región San Martín (CODEPISAM), the Federación de Pueblos Indígenas Kechwa Chazuta Amazonía (FEPIKECHA), the Federación de Pueblos Indígenas Kechwas del Bajo Huallaga San Martín(FEPIKBHSAM), the Instituto de Defensa Legal (IDL), and the Forest Peoples Programme (FPP), submitted a brief to the Inter-American Court of Human Rig


Amicus curiae before the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights in housing rights case the Democratic Republic of Congo

The ESCR-Net, of which DPLF is a member, has intervened as amicus in the Thubakgale case before the High Court in South Africa, a decades-long case litigated by the Socio-Economic Rights Initiative in South Africa on behalf of 133 families seeking to vindicate their right to adequate housing in terms of both domestic and international law.


Transitional Justice and Indigenous Peoples in Latin America: Lessons learned from case studies of Guatemala, Peru, and Colombia

Transitional justice mechanisms have not always properly recorded the relevant experiences of indigenous peoples, such as their strategies for coping with violence and oppression. Consequently, most of the mechanisms implemented have not adequately linked past violations with continuing marginalization in the present.
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