
DPLF and 71 other NGOs send letter to Salvadoran authorities

The letter was sent to several high-level Salvadoran authorities, to various international authorities and to diplomatic missions in the country

On Thursday June 30th, DPLF and a number of other NGOs that work in Latin America and represent some 71 civil society organizations, sent a letter to Salvadoran authorities regarding the current situation of the Salvadoran Constitutional Chamber (Sala de lo Constitutional de la Corte Suprema de Justicia).

In this letter, the organizations expressed their grave concern about the promulgation of Decree 743, that, amongst others, requires unanimity in decisions on inconstitutionality that the Chamber would make. These organizations considered that Decree 743 constitutes a clear infringement of the principles of judicial independence and separation of powers, as established by different international law instruments ratified by El Salvador, and called upon the Salvadoran Congress (Asamblea Legislativa) to revoke the decree, and to fully respect the principles of judicial independence and separation of powers.


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