
Judicial Independence in Ecuador

Timeline of Luis Pásara’s report “Judicial Independence in Ecuador’s Judicial Reform Process,” published by the Due Process of Law Foundation (DPLF), Center for the Study of Law, Justice and Society (DeJusticia) and the Legal Defense Institute (IDL).


The Report

The report was presented during a press conference in Quito, Ecuador on July 29, 2014.

– Judicial Independence in Ecuador’s Judicial Reform Process (Full report in Spanish only)

– Judicial Independence in Ecuador’s Judicial Reform Process (Executive Summary)

– Press Release on the presentation of the report


Initial response from the Ecuadorian government (Spanish only)

– Enlace Ciudadano Nro. 384 (2:40:24 – 2:49:42), August 2, 2014

– Presentación del Presidente Correa durante Enlace Ciudadano, August 2, 2014

– Entrevista a Gustavo Jalkh, Presidente del Consejo de la Judicatura, August 1, 2014

– Carta del Presidente del Consejo de la Judicatura, Gustavo Jalkh a Luis Pásara, August 1, 2014


Response from the author and the organizations that published the report

– DPLF, Dejusticia and IDL’s response to the Ecuadorian Judicial Council, Gustavo Jalkh, August 8, 2014

– Luis Pásara’s statement on the report, August 9, 2014 (Spanish only)


Second response from the Ecuadorian government

– Enlace Ciudadano Nro. 386, August 16, 2014 (Spanish only)


False information and clarifications about the report

– Article from the Agencia Agencia Pública de Noticias del Ecuador y Sudamérica (ANDES), September 7, 2014 (Spanish only)

– Video from Ecuador TV, August 2014 (Spanish only)

– DPLF, DeJusticia and IDL clarify false information about report, September 15, 2014


Media coverage

– Interview with Katya Salazar, DPLF Executive Director (CNN), July 29, 2014

– Coverage of the launching of the report (Ecuavisa), July 29, 2014

– Interview with Luis Pásara (Radio Media Naranja), August 9, 2014

– Press summary, July-September, 2014


Experts’ comments on the report (Spanish only)

– Juan Pablo Albán
Do We Have the Justice that We Deserve? (¿Tenemos la justicia que nos merecemos?)
Ad hominem

–  César Rodríguez Garavito
Shadows of the Ecuadorian Miracle (Sombras del milagro ecuatoriano)
From Uribe to Correa (De uribe a Correa)

– Miguel Rivadeneira
The Image of Justice (La imagen de la justicia)

– Farith Simon
(No) Judicial Independence ((No) independencia judicial)

– Gabirela Calderón de Burgos
Crime of Economic Panic (Delito de pánico económico)

– Marco Feoli
The Peruvian Professor that Irritated Correa (El profesor peruano que irritó a Correa)

– Daniela Salazar
Intimidated (Amedrentada)

– Héctor Yépez Martínez
Broke Government, vulnerable citizens (Gobierno chiro, ciudadanos indefensos

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