DPLF’s new publication, authored by Professor Ximena Medellín, is a pioneering systematization of 23 Latin American judicial decisions on the rights of victims issued by courts in eight countries of the region: Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela. The judgments included in this volume reflect important developments in Latin American jurisprudence, which extend the scope of the jurisprudence of international courts. This volume complements two previous publications by the same author, which together complete the Latin American Jurisprudence Digests.
For decades, the transition to democracy in various countries of Latin America has been marked by complex social, political and legal processes, which have been strongly driven by the victims’ movement. These same processes have resulted in a renewed debate on the rights of victims of human rights violations as well as victims of crime to know the truth, to access justice, to receive assistance and protection, and to be beneficiaries of comprehensive reparations. In this context, the Digest of Latin American jurisprudence on the Rights of Victims aims to facilitate the analysis, comparative study, interpretation and application of different standards as essential steps for the effective vindication of victims’ rights under various legal proceedings.
This volume was first presented in Mexico on Tuesday, July 7, during a forum co-organized by the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ), the Foundation for Justice and the Rule of Law (FJED), the Center for Economics Research and Teaching (CIDE) and DPLF.