
Organizations demand that El Salvador’s Government create a National Search Commission for Disappeared Persons during the Armed Conflict

On Tuesday, June 28, 2016, various Salvadorean and allied organizations held a meeting with the Secretary of Governance of El Salvador, Hato Hasbún to jointly present a signed letter requesting the adoption of a Search Commission for Disappeared Persons during the country’s internal armed conflict, including the creation of a genetic database and the declassification of related military files. The organizations that signed the request were Codefam, Comafac, Asociación Pro-Búsqueda, Fespad, CPDH, Concertación Monseñor Romero, the Central America University (UCA), DPLF, and the Mauricio Aquino Foundation.

The United Nations Truth Commission for El Salvador reported 5,000 forced disappearances between 1980 and 1992. But since the Truth Commission’s report was released, this estimate has increased to be closer to 10,000. Not one case has ever been resolved or investigated by state institutions.

Secretary Hasbún has committed to personally delivering the letter to President Sánchez Cerén, to following-up on efforts to include the issue of forced disappearances on the national agenda, and to assist in future conversations.


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