In memory of the life and legacy of Judge Thomas Buergenthal

DPLF joins many others in expressing our condolences to family and friends at the passing of Thomas Buergenthal, founder of our organization and dear friend, who dedicated his life to the defense of human rights, dignity, and the search for truth.
Considered one of the world’s leading experts on international human rights law, Judge Buergenthal had a deep, genuine and abiding commitment to justice and to the victims of human rights violations throughout the continent.
Judge Buergenthal was a judge and former president of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, served as one of the three commissioners of the UN Truth Commission for El Salvador and as a member of the UN Human Rights Committee. In addition to having served as a professor of international law and jurisprudence at various universities, Judge Buergenthal authored more than a dozen books and a large number of articles on international law, human rights and comparative law.
Through his judicial and diplomatic work he promoted change and made important contributions in the advancement of human rights. His forthrightness, strong personality, and commitment to justice were reflected in everything he did. Judge Buergenthal leaves an indelible mark on all efforts supporting human rights in the region.
Judge Buergenthal believed in DPLF’s work and stood by us as a friend and advisor. His legacy will live on in the hearts of those of us who knew him and in the lives of all the people he reached with his endearing work.

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