Combating Corruption in Mexico: Challenges and Opportunities
May 30, 2018
9:00am – 11:00am
Inter-American Dialogue,
1155 15th St NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005
Corruption has proven to be one of the most significant issues in Mexico’s upcoming presidential election. With at least 14 former or current governors under investigation for corruption charges and Mexico placing last among OECD countries in Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index, and journalistic investigations showing political elites involved in corruption cases, public discontent regarding government corruption is on the rise. Mexico is at a tipping point as it heads into one of the most consequential elections the country has ever seen; voters will cast their ballots not only for a new president but for a new federal congress, 9 governors, and representatives for nearly 2,800 political positions at the state and local level as well. To reduce corruption the country passed the National Anti-Corruption System (Sistema Nacional Anticorrupción, SNA) in 2016, a landmark plan to develop a tougher and more comprehensive approach to fighting corruption. Has this system been successfully implemented? Will it truly help in the battle against corruption?
To discuss corruption in Mexico, the current status of the National Anti-Corruption System, as well as the role journalists and civil society organizations can play in the fight against graft, the Dialogue is pleased to host a panel discussion in partnership with the Due Process of Law Foundation and the Washington Office on Latin America to examine the future of anti-corruption efforts in Mexico.
Follow this event on Twitter at #MEXCorruption, @DPLF_info, @WOLA_org and @The_Dialogue.
Director, Peter D. Bell Rule of Law Program, Inter-American Dialogue (@camillerimj)
President, Citizen Participation Committee of the National Anti-Corruption System (@macostau)
President, National Anti-Corruption Commission for Confederación Patronal de la República Mexicana (COPARMEX) (@rios_rippa)
Head of Research, Mexicanos Contra la Corrupción y la Impunidad (@danliza)
Director, Mexico and Migrant Rights, Washington Office on Latin America (@meyermc)
Executive Director, Due Process of Law Foundation (@katyasalazar)