Elections in the Inter-American Human Rights System: A Necessary Conversation for Strengthening Livestream + Add to Google Calendar + iCal / Outlook export Date Jun 26 2019 Expired! Time 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm Labels Transitional Justice and Fight Against Impunity Countries América Central América del Sur Argentina Belice Bolivia Brasil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador El Salvador Guatemala Guyana Honduras Nicaragua Panamá Paraguay Perú Surinam Uruguay Venezuela Share this event
05/04/2016 Citizen Security Strategies, Hardline Policing, and Human Rights Issues in El Salvador Expired!
13/04/2016 Digging for the truth: Access to information about forced disappearances in wartime El Salvador Expired!
19/05/2017 Truth and Justice for Grave Human Rights Violations in Latin America: Reflections on the past, lessons for the future Expired!