The Uses of Truth: Truth Commission Archives, Justice an the Search for the Disappeared in El Salvador

Watch the event here.

Monday, April 23, 2018

6 – 8 p.m.

Third Floor Lounge
Cardozo School of Law
55 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY

Falling on the heels of the UN Day on the Right to Truth and the 25th anniversary of the El Salvador Truth Commission, CLIHHR, along with Observatorio de Justicia Transicional, Universidad Diego Portales and Ulster University, is hosting a panel event to draw attention to the role that truth commission archives play as a potential source of information for justice and the search for those forcibly disappeared in times of conflict or oppression.

The panel will discuss historical decisions about access to truth commission archives in light of evolving standards on the right to truth, accountability, and justice. In addition, panelists will talk about the specific potential of El Salvador’s Truth Commission archives and how it can contribute to the search for the disappeared.

This event is co-organized with the Observatorio de Justicia Transicional, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile, and Transitional Justice Institute, Ulster University, Northern Ireland and supported by the Open Society Foundation.


Eduardo Gonzalez Cueva, Transitional Justice Consultant

Trudy Peterson, Certified Archivist

Kate Doyle, Senior Analyst of U.S. policy in Latin America, National Security Archive

Benjamin Cuellar, Salvadoran Human Rights Activist

Leonor Arteaga, Senior Program Officer, Due Process of Law Foundation, U.S/El Salvador

Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum, Faculty Director, Cardozo Law Institute of Holocaust and Human Rights


Abr 23 2018


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Transitional Justice and Fight Against Impunity
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