Transitional Justice and Fight Against Impunity

In Latin America, impunity is a chronic issue that perpetuates human rights violations and weakens justice institutions, denying victims and their families the right to truth, justice, and adequate reparation. It is essential for States to address impunity in all its forms—especially in cases involving serious human rights violations, crimes against humanity, and war crimes—to ensure justice and prevent recurrence.

Through research, advocacy, and the exchange of experiences and knowledge among countries and allied organizations, we work to strengthen institutions responsible for criminal prosecution, reparations, and the search for missing persons. Additionally, we promote the implementation of processes that encourage the pursuit of truth and safeguard historical memory, contributing to the consolidation of just and reconciled societies.

Through various initiatives, we advise and promote the adaptation of state institutions, particularly domestic justice systems, to investigate and prosecute serious human rights violations and international crimes, such as crimes against humanity and war crimes. We also advocate for the Inter-American Human Rights System and various United Nations protection mechanisms to address these issues and monitor compliance with their standards by States.

We collaborate with local organizations to improve legislation, policies, and institutional practices, in line with applicable international standards.

Our Experts

Leonor Arteaga

Program Director

Hannah Ahern

Program Officer

Victoria Barrientos

Program Officer